Sunday, November 28, 2010

Admiralty Park walk about

I suppose to go Vietnam this weekend. But due to some unforeseen circumstance, the trip was cancelled.

As have the itch of clicking the camera, so decide to go to the park to see see look look.

Also hope that the next trip will be a smooth one without disappointment & good luck to me.

Here's the take from the park:)

Morning bathing in the sun for this little one
Unknown bird that stand high up waiting for its prey to show
First I thought is was a lizard on the tree top, but later found that is a yellow frog
During time when quarrel start for this family
After the quarrel, they hug each other again
Hey, I got a new dress, so the old one have to go :)
Dragon fly

The green thing
Cute little one
Yummy, I found the food
Let's try it
Looking here & there

Monday, November 8, 2010

My Pet

Hello, I'm blurblur pet. The Chin (5 yrs old female)

I love to bath & chew things

yummy yummy, is tea break time

Byebye see u